VR and the Future of Social Interaction

By: Melanie Lau

Envision yourself settled in a cute café, with the buzz of a vibrant city lightly echoing in the background. An intriguing stranger sits across from you, their eyes gleaming with tales from a different part of the world. You've been engrossed in conversation, laughing, exchanging ideas, and enjoying this bond. As you bid each other farewell, you both reach up and remove your headsets. Instantaneously, the lively café dissolves into the familiar surroundings of your living room. This entire encounter unfolded within a virtual reality café, making it possible for you to engage with someone from across the world while lounging on your own sofa. Welcome to the world that Virtual Reality (VR) is striving to create.

Virtual Reality (VR) fuses technology with imagination, rendering a computer-generated, three-dimensional environment that can be explored in an amazing way (Corporativa, n.d.). Users immerse themselves in these enveloping realms through devices like head-mounted displays, haptic feedback mechanisms, and motion tracking sensors. As they traverse these digital terrains, these tools not only ensure a lifelike and interactive experience but also continually gather data to augment and enrich the interaction (Corporativa, n.d.).

Though VR is still an evolving discipline with various aspects under research, its current applications have already incited a shift in our engagement with the world and each other. It has extended its reach into numerous fields, including entertainment, education, and healthcare, revolutionizing how we learn, play, and recuperate (Corporativa, n.d.). However, as is the case with any emerging technology, VR embodies a double-edged sword. While it promises unprecedented potential, it also harbors inherent risks that warrant careful deliberation. As we persist in our exploration of this exciting frontier, it is crucial to uphold a balanced outlook, optimizing the benefits and mitigating the negatives.

One facet of our existence that VR has begun to subtly reshape is our social interactions. The advent of various social VR platforms has catalyzed a transformation in our virtual engagement (XR Today, 2022). These platforms empower users to fabricate personalized avatars and interact in real-time with others, effectively blurring the boundary between physical and digital interaction. Examples include Facebook's Horizon Venues, which allows users to attend concerts, space launches, and a myriad of other events, while vTime XR enables meetings, discussions, and shared experiences in assorted virtual realities (XR Today, 2022). For those devoted to the arts, VRzone provides a refuge where artists and art connoisseurs can devise, showcase, and immerse themselves in virtual art exhibitions.

Despite the undeniable benefits of these emerging digital platforms, they also pose risks. The potential for deceptive practices like "catfishing" or misrepresentation engenders an atmosphere of mistrust, disrupting harmony in virtual communities and potentially impacting users' mental health. As we navigate these digital landscapes, it is essential to cultivate an environment of authenticity and trust, thus mitigating the associated risks. Furthermore, we must remain vigilant to the possible dependency on these virtual realities, which could hinder the formation of genuine relationships in the physical world (Pennington, 2022). This could escalate to addiction, making it difficult to distinguish between reality and virtuality, and leading to an excessive investment of time in virtual environments. It is also disconcerting that virtual reality platforms may propagate biases and discrimination prevalent in the real world.

Therefore, it is imperative to educate users about maintaining a balanced relationship between the physical and the virtual world. Virtual reality should not be viewed as an avenue for escape but rather as a platform to establish connections with a diverse array of individuals globally and to expand horizons from the comfort of one's room.

Looking forward, the future of VR seems promising yet intricate. As technology progresses, so will the ways in which we utilize VR (Corporativa, n.d.). It is vital that as we innovate, we also contemplate the potential adverse impacts and strive to create inclusive and diverse virtual environments. This will enable us to harness the full potential of this trailblazing technology, fostering connections in ways we could previously only dream of.

In the end, VR's capacity to transform our social interactions, learning methods, and recreational activities is only as beneficial as our ability to manage its inherent challenges. Through mindful use and ongoing education about its potential pitfalls, we can ensure that virtual reality serves as a tool that enriches our lives, broadens our perspectives, and brings us closer together in the increasingly interconnected digital world. The journey of VR is just beginning, and its destination is limited only by the bounds of our collective imagination.


Corporativa, I. (n.d.). Virtual Reality: another world within sight. Iberdrola. https://www.iberdrola.com/innovation/virtual-reality

Pennington, A. (2022). What’s the Societal Impact of VR? NAB Amplify. https://amplify.nabshow.com/articles/whats-the-societal-impact-of-vr/#:~:text=Users%20can%20become%20isolated%20and,and%20other%20mental%20health%20problems.%E2%80%9D

Team, X. T. (2022). The Best Social Apps in VR. XR Today. https://www.xrtoday.com/virtual-reality/the-best-social-apps-in-vr/

Watson, T. (2019). VR Social Media: Is it the Future of Social Interaction? Skywell Software. https://skywell.software/blog/vr-social-media-future/