Harvard GRC

Sex bias in Drug Development, and Why It Will Grow Even Faster Unless Regulators Step in

Sex bias in Drug Development, and Why It Will Grow Even Faster Unless Regulators Step in

Cover image credit: Roberto Sorin, Unsplash.com By Jan K. Kryca The tragic launch of Thalidomide, a general purpose tranquilising drug which eventually became a standard recommendation for morning sickness relief by clinicians
4 min read
Homelessness and Covid in the US

Homelessness and Covid in the US

Cover Image credit: Jon Tyson, Unsplash.com By Beatriz Terres Homelessness has been an issue in the US since 1870. At that time, the Industrial Revolution pushed skilled workers and farmers out of
4 min read
The Environmental Impact of Cryptocurrency

The Environmental Impact of Cryptocurrency

Cover image credit: Art Rachen, Unsplash.com By Andrew Lobo The last few years have been characterized by mask-wearing, social-distancing, and an unprecedented rise in cryptocurrency demand. Cryptocurrency is defined as a digital
4 min read
Ban the Box: An Effective Component of Reintegration Efforts

Ban the Box: An Effective Component of Reintegration Efforts

Cover image credits: Tim Hüfner, Unsplash.com By Grant Williams Perhaps nothing communicates the dismal state of the United States’ criminal justice system more immediately than its staggeringly high recidivism rates; around 46%
4 min read
New Work, New Vulnerabilities:
An Analysis of Biases in New Forms of Internet-based Work and Potential Solutions

New Work, New Vulnerabilities: An Analysis of Biases in New Forms of Internet-based Work and Potential Solutions

Who is the best candidate? A hiring algorithm has its answer. Don’t want to do chores? Pull up an app and find someone to do it for you soon. In recent years, technological development has brought about revolutionary changes in employment, fundamentally changing the hiring process.
7 min read
Sudan’s Path to Democratization: A Model for Peace or War?

Sudan’s Path to Democratization: A Model for Peace or War?

Sudan, formerly Africa’s largest country before the separation of South Sudan in 2011, is a nation with a rich, yet tumultuous history. Known as the kingdoms of Kush and Meroe in ancient times and home to the Nubian civilization, the region entered periods of ethnic conflicts following
3 min read
Insights into the Lithium Industry

Insights into the Lithium Industry

The use of gasoline has revolutionized energy storage. The substance’s energy density has led to its transportability and the internal combustion engine that depends upon it has become the lynchpin of the global transportation network.
4 min read
The Colonial Catwalk

The Colonial Catwalk

The Western fashion industry has had a long history of using other cultures in inappropriate and exploitative ways. The networks of material sourcing that undergird the modern fashion industry are largely predicated on pre-existing imperial systems.
2 min read
Making Money and Making Change: The Rise of Social Enterprise

Making Money and Making Change: The Rise of Social Enterprise

In 2018, Deloitte reported that companies have shifted away from a purely profit-driven business model to one that is more cognizant of their footprint in the larger societal context. However, some companies have been part of an even larger shift
4 min read
Behavior Change During 2014 Ebola Outbreak: Lessons Moving Forward
Global Health

Behavior Change During 2014 Ebola Outbreak: Lessons Moving Forward

In any public health emergency dealing with an infectious disease, our ability to control an outbreak is critically tied to our ability to implement significant behavior changes.
5 min read