Maria Zoi Michailidou

Second year student in Sciences Po Paris, Menton campus.
In Search of Lost Time

In Search of Lost Time

By: Maria Zoi Michailidou From: Sciences Po Menton If one thing in life is certain, it is that lost time is never found again. This is especially true in today’s society. Everyone
Turning Pages in the Digital Age: Navigating the Book Revolution with BookTok and Beyond
Book revolution

Turning Pages in the Digital Age: Navigating the Book Revolution with BookTok and Beyond

By: Maria Zoi Michailidou From: Sciences Po Menton It is no secret that recently the editorial landscape has dramatically changed. No longer is it necessary to send one’s work to dozens publishers,
Modern fashion: More than just a catwalk

Modern fashion: More than just a catwalk

By: Maria Zoi Michailidou From: Sciences Po Menton Thanks to social media and Hollywood, the fashion industry has radically transformed in the past few decades. Even though fashion weeks in Paris and Milan
TikTok’s - silent- gender stratification

TikTok’s - silent- gender stratification

We have all seen it. We have all laughed at it. From the videos on TikTok in which men are asked how often they think of the Roman Empire, trying to prove their masculinity on a subconscious level to, women being asked to explain the so-called “girl math”:
The Student Consultant's Report Card: Straight 'A' for Ambition

The Student Consultant's Report Card: Straight 'A' for Ambition

Over the years, student consulting groups have slowly snuck their way into every major university of the world. We might as well start with our very own GRC: it is a non profit