Thomas Junghyun Yoo

TJ is a third year economics student studying business analytics and finance.
Challenges and Benefits of GMOs in the Fight Against the Global Food Shortage Crisis

Challenges and Benefits of GMOs in the Fight Against the Global Food Shortage Crisis

How we can utilize genetically-engineered crops to solve the world hunger crisis
Exploring Greenhouse Gases Emissions Taxes

Exploring Greenhouse Gases Emissions Taxes

Among the most pressing issues that humanity faces in the 21st century is global warming. With the potential to worsen natural disasters such as floods and droughts, global warming is currently poised to
12 min read
The Rise of Electric Vehicle Incentives in China

The Rise of Electric Vehicle Incentives in China

How will incentives impact EV adoption in China?
Microfinance: Does it harm or help those financed?

Microfinance: Does it harm or help those financed?

A popular trend, how does microfinance impact the lives of its users and what is the greater impact on local economies?
The State of the Global Effort to Provide Clean Water and Sanitation and the Cost-Effectiveness of V

The State of the Global Effort to Provide Clean Water and Sanitation and the Cost-Effectiveness of V

Access to clean water is vital for the livelihood of communities around the world.
The State of the Global Effort Against Malaria and the Cost-Effectiveness of Prevention Measures

The State of the Global Effort Against Malaria and the Cost-Effectiveness of Prevention Measures

Investments in the fight against Malaria are taking a preventative approach to mitigate and minimize future outbreaks.
How World Governments and Corporations May Stop the Imminent Orbital Debris Crisis

How World Governments and Corporations May Stop the Imminent Orbital Debris Crisis

The accumulation of orbital debris is becoming an emerging threat to global communication networks and aerospace initiatives.