A collection of 3 posts
Shifting Masculinities: Economic Influences on the Emergence of the 'Anti-Male' Notion in 1970s America

Shifting Masculinities: Economic Influences on the Emergence of the 'Anti-Male' Notion in 1970s America

The evolving dynamics of masculinity have long been a subject of debate. This research paper delves into the balance between gender activism and extremism, exploring when the rejection of traditional gender norms crosses into the realm of being labeled 'anti-male.'
13 min read
Impact Investing: A Catalyst for Reducing Gender Inequalities

Impact Investing: A Catalyst for Reducing Gender Inequalities

Gender inequality casts its shadow over various aspects of women's lives, from education and employment to healthcare accessibility and participation in decision-making processes. In the last decade, impact investing has emerged as a catalyst for change, offering a pathway towards gender equality.
TikTok’s - silent- gender stratification

TikTok’s - silent- gender stratification

We have all seen it. We have all laughed at it. From the videos on TikTok in which men are asked how often they think of the Roman Empire, trying to prove their masculinity on a subconscious level to, women being asked to explain the so-called “girl math”: